Richard Simmons’ staff shares social media post he drafted before death

Richard Simmons’ staff is sharing a heartwarming social media post that Simmons had carefully drafted and planned to share with his fans.

In the message he had prepared for Sunday, July 14, Simmons was seen clad in a NASA space suit, standing proudly before a vivid, galactic-like background. The touching words he intended to share said, “Let me fly you to the moon so we can gaze among the stars. Love, Richard,” according to his staff’s heartfelt post on his Facebook page.

Sadly, Simmons passed away on Saturday, July 13, at the age of 76.

“Hello everyone. Richard worked very hard on his posts for you. He had many ideas and would work ahead… going back to each one making changes until he had it just like he wanted before posting,” wrote his team, sharing a glimpse of Richard’s dedication and love for his fans.

“As you know, on the weekends, he would just share a photo with a caption. He always chose his photos and wrote his captions for the upcoming weekend by Friday,” they added.

Richard Simmons was a beloved fitness guru who gained enormous popularity in the 1980s, riding the wave of the aerobics and Jazzercise craze.