Woman Says She’s Been “Sent By God” to Promote Plus-Sized Advocacy

Jaelynn Chaney, affectionately known as Jae Bae, has been a prominent voice in the fat pride movement. Recently, she made a striking claim: she believes she’s been sent by God to push for the rights of plus-size individuals. With a passionate approach, Jae Bae has been particularly vocal about the need for regular travelers to subsidize extra seats for plus-size flyers.

In a TikTok video, she boldly stated, “Yeah, God sent this fat b**** to piss the world off and make change.” In the video, she lip-synced to a song while changing the lyrics to highlight her message of equality for fat people. Despite the backlash she faces, she stands firm in her mission, addressing her detractors—whom she calls “fatphobes”—by emphasizing the defiance in speaking out against a society that venerates thinness and vilifies fatness.

With a following of 135,000 on TikTok, Jaelynn elucidates the discrimination she faces compared to thin individuals. When thin people express discomfort over airline seats or beauty standards, they often receive empathy and action. Conversely, Jaelynn is met with hostility, blamed for her size, and urged to change if she desires any societal concessions. She remarked, “Instead of addressing the systemic issues, I’m met with hostility, blamed for my size, and told to ‘fix’ myself if I want change. It’s a glaring example of the unequal treatment faced by fat people in society.”

Unperturbed by criticism, Chaney vows to continue her fight against fat-phobia. Her resolve remains unbroken, asserting that she will continue to provoke and demand changes until society acknowledges the value and rights of all body sizes. “I won’t let the discomfort of others silence me or hinder progress,” she resolutely stated.

In a significant personal achievement earlier this month, Jaelynn flew without her oxygen tank for the first time in four years. This was a monumental accomplishment for someone previously dependent on supplemental oxygen to breathe comfortably in flight due to pulmonary hypertension. She visually documented the experience, showing the extra length needed for her seatbelt and reflecting on the implications of medical emergencies during travel.

Jaelynn’s video captured moments from being wheeled down the airport gate to sitting with a comfortably extended seatbelt, narrating her journey since 2019 when she began needing oxygen therapy post a hospital scare initially suspected as a stroke but later diagnosed as pulmonary hypertension. This condition affected her travel experiences significantly, making this flight all the more triumphant.

Throughout her advocacy, Chaney emphasizes that travel should be accessible to everyone, irrespective of their size. She remains committed to her mission of promoting fairness and dignity for all individuals. She concluded with a powerful promise: “Yes, I’ll continue to provoke, challenge, and demand change. And if that makes the world uncomfortable, so be it. Because at the end of the day, this isn’t just about me—it’s about ensuring fairness and dignity for all.”

Jaelynn’s powerful advocacy resonates deeply with her followers, many of whom admire her courage and dedication to speaking out against fat-phobia. Her efforts aim to ensure equal rights for plus-size individuals across all spheres, including the often challenging realm of air travel.