Bizarre reason Steve Jobs drove with a barcode instead of a license plate

Despite being one of the greatest entrepreneurs of all time, Steve Jobs was a man of very strange habits. He wore the same outfit every day and had no furniture in his house.

Probably the oddest habit of all was that the former Apple CEO used to soak his feet in public toilets, much to the discomfort of his employees. But one of the most talked-about quirks was his unique approach to driving – he drove without a license plate.

Jobs believed rules didn’t apply to him

Is that even legal? Well, before 2019, there used to be a loophole in California state law. It allowed new cars to be driven without a permanent license plate for up to six months.

Jobs took full advantage of this by ‘purchasing a new silver Mercedes-Benz every six months’, as explained by the YouTube channel Apple Explained.

His Unique Solution

Each time the lease term approached the six-month limit, he would return the car and lease an identical model. Instead of a license plate, Jobs’ car had a small barcode in its place.

But why did he do this? Jobs’ biographer Walter Isaacson asked him this very question. Jobs simply replied, ‘Well, I don’t want people following me.’

Considering how high-profile he was, it’s a reasonable concern. However, Isaacson pointed out that not having a license plate might be ‘more noticeable’ than actually having one. Jobs’ response? ‘You’re probably right. You know why I don’t have a license plate? Because I don’t have a license plate.’

Living by his own rules

From this response, Isaacson got the impression that normal rules didn’t apply to the former CEO. Jobs had a history of speeding and was once pulled over for doing over 100 mph in a 55 mph zone. His companion at the time said, ‘He absolutely believed that the normal rules didn’t apply to him.’

After receiving a ticket, Jobs immediately drove off and sped back up to 100 mph. He was also caught parking in handicap spots on several occasions.

As a YouTube user commented: ‘In other words: Steve Jobs might have been a marketing genius, but in everyday life, he was a jerk.’ Another remarked, ‘Sounds like a real piece of work.’


Steve Jobs remains an enigmatic figure, with habits and practices that continue to surprise people. His decision to drive without a license plate is just one example of his unconventional approach to life and rules.