6-month-old baby communicates with deaf grandparents in sign language

Jane McCullough, a 6-month-old baby, has been surrounded by American Sign Language since the day she was born, thanks to her parents and grandparents who are both deaf. Watching them communicate in sign language has become a natural part of her daily life.

When her grandparents talk to her, Jane responds back, not with words, but with her tiny hands, mimicking the signs she sees.

Jane’s heartwarming interaction with her grandparents, Michael and Jessica Stultz, was captured in a video that has taken TikTok by storm, amassing over 9 million views.

“Good Morning America” spoke with Jane’s mom, Mara McCullough, who shared that she first noticed Jane imitating sign language at just 4 months old.

Mara recalled that she and her brother also exhibited similar behavior as infants, indicating that it’s quite common in households where American Sign Language is frequently used.

“In homes like ours, where sign language is a daily part of communication, it’s perfectly normal for babies to start babbling in sign language,” Mara explained to GMA.

Jane’s Daily Engagement with Sign Language

Residing in St. Augustine, Florida, Jane, along with her parents, lives with her grandparents. This ensures she’s constantly exposed to sign language.

“She’s been attentive and observant from the very beginning, so we kind of expected it,” Mara said, recounting Jane’s early grasp of sign language. Her parents were thrilled to see Jane interacting with them in such a meaningful way.

Although Mara was taken aback by the viral success of the video, she’s grateful for the attention it’s brought to American Sign Language. According to the National Institutes of Health, this language is expressed through hand and face movements.

Eye-Opening and Inspirational

“It’s been enlightening for many to witness how babies can understand and use language, showing their incredible intelligence,” Mara expressed. She acknowledged that many people might know about babies using sign language before they can speak, but seeing Jane’s babbling took this understanding to another level.

“Just like a hearing baby babbles with noises, Jane is using her hands to express herself,” Mara added fondly.