Always turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on your smartphone when you are sleeping. Here’s why!

Always turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on your smartphone when you are sleeping. Here’s why!

Do you often think about whether your Wi-Fi or Bluetooth is on before you go to sleep? Many of us don’t— it’s normal to simply leave them on all night. However, experts advise that keeping these settings on during the night isn’t just unnecessary but might be harmful as well.

According to numerous specialists, turning off your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when you sleep can be beneficial. You might wonder why this is the case. The primary reason is that leaving these functions on drains your smartphone’s battery life. Simply put, you don’t need these features while you’re sleeping, as you won’t be using your phone.

Sure, we all appreciate Wi-Fi for its speed and convenience. However, many studies suggest that constant exposure to Wi-Fi can be detrimental to our health. Wi-Fi has been a part of our lives since 1997, and over the years, various studies have investigated its potential effects.

Some findings indicate that prolonged exposure to Wi-Fi can affect our overall health, with children being particularly vulnerable. Back in 2008, the respected publication Scientific American published an article titled “Mind Control by Cell Phone,” which outlined the potential risks that Wi-Fi poses to the human brain.

So, next time you are heading to bed, consider switching off your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. It might not only help extend your phone’s battery life, but it could also safeguard your health in the long run. It’s a small habit that can make a big difference!