Woman Comes Under Fire For Saying ‘Chivalry Is Dead’

We live in a time of change, where societal norms are evolving, and not everyone feels that it’s for the better. One aspect where this change is evident is in the way men and women treat each other.

Recently, a woman posted a video of herself on a crowded subway, sparking a heated debate. In the video, she expressed her frustration, stating that “chivalry is dead” and questioned why men no longer offer their seats to women. The video highlighted several men sitting comfortably without offering her a seat.

Although the original video has been deleted, it quickly spread across various social media platforms, igniting a conversation about chivalry. People have varying viewpoints on this issue. Some argue that women have fought for equality, and this is one of the consequences. They believe that women no longer want special treatment because they strive for independence.

Others argue that the woman in the video should have arrived early enough to secure her own seat. They question the appropriateness of her recording and zooming in on random men without their consent.

Many men have also shared their perspective. They mention that they would offer their seat to someone who is elderly, disabled, or heavily pregnant, but they would not do so based solely on gender. They believe in equal treatment for everyone.

It’s clear that this debate will continue as society navigates the changing dynamics between men and women.