Can You Solve This Math Problem Without a Calculator?

If you enjoy brain training exercises like crosswords and sudoku, you’re going to love the challenge we have for you today. These fun puzzles have been making waves on the internet lately, and they’re actually old classic mathematical problems from your school days. So, get ready to test your math skills and see if you can find the correct solution!

The Challenge

In the picture below, you’ll find a task along with four possible answers. Your goal is to figure out which solution is the correct one. So take your time, think about it, and see if you can recall your math knowledge from middle or high school.

Finding the Correct Solution

After careful consideration, if you chose answer B: 12, congratulations! You got it right! But why is 12 the correct answer?

Well, let’s break it down together. According to the order of operations, we need to tackle multiplication before addition and subtraction. So first, we solve 3 x 3, which gives us 9. Now, we’re left with a simpler math problem: 3 + 9 – 3 + 3.

By performing the remaining operations from left to right, we find that the final answer is indeed 12!

Test Your Math Skills

Did your memory serve you right? If you correctly picked answer B and arrived at the answer of 12, give yourself a pat on the back! You still have what it takes to solve math problems without a calculator.

Keep challenging yourself and exploring these fun math puzzles from your school days. It’s a great way to exercise your brain and have some nostalgic fun at the same time!