Am I Wrong for Kicking My Future Daughter-in-Law Out of My House after Her Demands?

My oldest son’s girlfriend seemed perfect at first – smart, ambitious, and she made him so happy. But things took a turn when they got engaged. During a private conversation at a nice dinner, she abruptly started making demands about completely changing the wedding plans.

I believe in compromise, but her requests were just too much. She didn’t ask nicely; it felt more like she was giving orders. I was shocked by her audacity. I had been trying to welcome her into our family, but she seemed intent on bulldozing her way through everything.

I tried to reason with her, explaining that we had already made arrangements and it wouldn’t be fair to change everything last minute. But she wouldn’t listen. It became clear that this was not a one-time thing; it was a pattern of behavior. I couldn’t let her walk all over our family like that.

So, I made a difficult decision. I politely but firmly told her that I couldn’t accommodate her demands. I suggested that if she couldn’t respect our plans, maybe she wasn’t the right fit for our family. She was taken aback, but I stood my ground.

I know this decision has caused some tension between my son and me. However, at the end of the day, I have to do what’s best for my family. If that means setting boundaries with my future daughter-in-law, then so be it.