Pay-It-Forward Line Ended When Man Refuses To Pay $45 For Another Customer

Have you ever been in a situation where you were asked to pay for the person behind you in a food line? Maybe you were at Starbucks, McDonald’s, or another fast-food restaurant, and the person in front of you generously paid for your meal.

This kind gesture, known as pay-it-forward, has made headlines on many occasions. Sometimes, it even leads to a chain reaction of people paying it forward for hours. However, recently, at a Bojangles restaurant, this pay-it-forward line came to an unexpected halt.

Darius, a TikTok user, found himself stuck in the middle of a random act of kindness. He was simply at the restaurant to satisfy his craving for some delicious chicken or another tasty treat. But as he waited to pay his $15 bill, the person at the window asked him to also cover the $45 bill for the strangers behind him.

Darius had a simple response, one that many of us can relate to. He said, “I didn’t sign up to feed the 5000.” He just wanted to enjoy his meal from Bojangles without being unexpectedly burdened with the responsibility of paying three times his own bill to feed others. It’s understandable that he was taken aback by this request.

He further explained that he wasn’t willing to foot the bill for someone else’s family dinner or a mini office party. All he wanted was to get his chicken and be on his way.

Naturally, this sparked a debate that has been going on for some time. Should we continue this kind of behavior or is it better to put a stop to it?

Some argue that this random act of kindness primarily benefits the restaurant employees, as they often receive extra tips when the pay-it-forward chain eventually breaks. It’s an interesting point to consider, but ultimately, there isn’t a definitive answer to this debate.


$45 at Bojangles is crazy… or am I trippin.

♬ original sound – Darius