Learning to Be Patient and Kind

Being a perfect mom, loving wife, and managing a functioning home while contributing to society is no easy feat. And if you add being a mother of several children to the mix, peace and quiet become rare luxuries.

One woman who understands this struggle all too well is Hailey. Every day brings new challenges, and even the smallest obstacles can have significant consequences. One day, Hailey experienced a situation that changed her perspective entirely.

Hailey was on her way to work when she found herself stuck behind a slow-moving car. It took all her restraint not to lose her temper. In a hurry, she didn’t have time to sit idly behind a vehicle going below the recommended speed.

It wasn’t until she stopped behind the slow car at a red light that she noticed a note in the back window. The words on the note made Hailey think twice about her frustration. She felt compelled to share her experience on her blog, “Thoughts, Dots, and Tots.” Hailey realized that this note had the power to change how she saw the world.

In her own words, Hailey wrote, “As I was pulling into work, I was following this car. The sign in the back window says, ‘Learning stick sorry for any delay.’ Knowing this information, I was very patient with their slow shifting, and honestly, they were doing pretty well for still learning.”

This encounter made Hailey question herself, “Would I have been just as patient if the sign hadn’t been there? I can almost definitely say no.”

Hailey’s reflection led her to a powerful realization. We often have no idea what someone else is going through. People don’t wear signs that express their personal struggles. We can’t see if someone is going through a divorce, grieving the loss of a child, battling depression, or fighting cancer.

“If we could visually read what those around us are going through, we would definitely be nicer,” Hailey wrote. “But we shouldn’t have to see signs and have reasons to treat strangers with kindness. We should do it anyway, whether we know what is going on or not. Whether they deserve it or not. Let’s give everyone an extra dose of patience, kindness, and love.”

The simple handwritten note in the car’s window left a lasting impact on Hailey. Instead of remaining frustrated and annoyed, she took a deep breath and chose the path of tolerance.

We can all learn from Hailey’s experience. How many times have we allowed ourselves to get angry because the bus was late, or someone was rude to us, or a colleague was late for a meeting? And what did it achieve? Nothing.

Instead of getting angry, why not treat others with compassion and kindness? Both you and those around you will feel better for it. Let’s take a deep breath and embrace Hailey’s lesson, allowing it to guide us through life’s stresses.

Please SHARE Hailey’s important message with your friends and family on Facebook. Let’s spread the power of patience, kindness, and love to as many people as possible!