Goodbye to Traditional Funerals: Embrace the Capsula Mundi Project!

Are you tired of the complicated and costly nature of traditional funerals? Coffins, graves, and headstones – they all seem so old-fashioned. Well, two Italian designers have come up with a revolutionary project that completely transforms the way we approach end-of-life arrangements.

Introducing “Capsula Mundi,” a groundbreaking concept by Anna Citelli and Raoul Bretzel. Instead of the conventional funeral practices, the Capsula Mundi project offers a unique and fascinating alternative. The deceased bodies are encapsulated in small, 100% biodegradable capsules, positioned in the fetal position. But here’s the twist: these capsules eventually transform the bodies into trees.

You might be wondering how this amazing transformation happens. It’s simple! The encapsulated body is laid to rest in the ground. Instead of a traditional cross or headstone, a seed or a sprouted sapling is planted above the capsule. Just like in a regular funeral, you have the opportunity to choose the type of tree you want to become, granting you the chance to leave a lasting legacy.

As time goes by, your body gradually becomes nutrients that nourish the tree, ensuring its continuous growth. The Capsula Mundi project aims to create green cemeteries, where instead of rows of crosses and headstones, sacred forests will flourish. This unique approach allows families to care for and visit their loved ones in these memorial parks.

Capsula Mundi not only preserves and enhances the beauty of trees but also promotes ecological sustainability. By planting different trees next to each other, a forest is born, providing a nurturing environment. This forest becomes a peaceful space for remembrance, where children can learn about the wonders of nature and families can find solace.

While this concept is currently not permitted in Italy, it has gained legal recognition and success in some parts of the United States and England. Even though it might be some time before it is embraced globally, the Capsula Mundi project offers a refreshing and environmentally friendly approach to bidding farewell to our loved ones.

So, say goodbye to the old casket and headstone traditions, and embrace the Capsula Mundi project – an innovative way to leave a lasting legacy and contribute to the creation of lush, vibrant forests.