‘Raw Dogging’ on Flights: The Latest Trend Taking Off

‘Raw dogging’ is the controversial new trend men are doing on flights

If you thought you had heard it all when it comes to in-flight activities, prepare to raise an eyebrow. A new trend has taken the Internet by storm, with men attempting to ‘raw dog’ plane journeys. But what exactly does this mean?

Typically, when people think of joining the ‘mile high club’, they imagine indulging in some intimate activities during a flight. However, ‘raw dogging’ on flights has a completely different meaning altogether. It refers to individuals who choose to spend the entire duration of their flight staring into the distance, without any entertainment or distractions.

Would you 'raw dog' a flight? (Getty stock image)

While most passengers enjoy the in-flight entertainment, such as movies, music, and snacking, these ‘raw doggers’ take their willpower to another level. They resist the urge to engage with any entertainment options and simply zone out, whether it’s staring at the in-flight map or nothing at all. This trend has gained popularity among travelers, with many people participating in this peculiar behavior.

TikTok creator Michelle was shocked when she witnessed numerous passengers ‘raw dogging’ on a flight. She couldn’t believe it when she realized that people were just staring straight ahead for the entire duration of the flight. Michelle documented the scene on her phone, sharing her surprise and asking if she had become too reliant on screens and technology.

“My attention span is shot.” (Getty stock image)

Surprisingly, this trend is not limited to men alone. One mom, Johanna Riehm, also enjoys ‘raw dogging’ flights to find some peace and quiet. Silence becomes her solace as she sits with her thoughts, observing the little GPS plane. However, for many, spending hours immersed in their own thoughts seems a bit overwhelming.

‘Raw dogging’ is the controversial new trend men are doing on flights

While searching for moments of solitude and escape is understandable, this latest trend takes it to a whole new level. As passengers look for unique ways to make their flights more interesting, ‘raw dogging’ has become a conversation starter. Would you be willing to give it a go? Or is it too much to resist the lure of in-flight entertainment?

Let us know your thoughts, and happy travels!