Optical Illusion Reveals Hidden Number – Can You See It?

Optical illusions never cease to amaze us with their mind-boggling tricks. And now, there’s a new one making waves on the internet that has left everyone scratching their heads. While it may seem simple at first, this illusion has proven to be quite the challenge, even for the sharpest eyes.

The Illusion: Hidden Message Within Colors

This particular optical illusion falls into the category of illusions that hide answers in plain sight. It tests your ability to detect contrasting colors. Take a look at the image below. Can you see a number? What number do you see?

This viral challenge on Twitter has captured the attention of many because of its perceived simplicity. Within the striped grey and black circle, there is a hidden number. Sounds easy, right? Well, think again.

The Test: Contrast Sensitivity

The purpose of this illusion is to assess your contrast sensitivity, which is the ability to distinguish an object from its background. In everyday situations like driving in low light or foggy weather, this skill is crucial. It becomes more challenging to see objects when the contrast between them and the background is reduced.

So now that you know what to look for, can you spot all the digits?

Answers That Stumped Viewers

Before we reveal the actual answer, let’s take a look at some of the responses from viewers:

  • “I can only see 528. Does that mean anything about my eyesight?” – @CookieLousie
  • “I see 528 with glasses and 45283 without… I can’t read a screen without glasses, however.” – @Techn0phobe
  • “45283… and what’s the catch? Should I book an appointment with my GP?” – @PhilippeAuclair

The majority of viewers reported seeing 528 or, at most, 45283. But brace yourself for the real answer, because it’s quite surprising.

The Revelation: A Seven-Digit Number

The actual answer is 3452839 – a whopping seven-digit number. Most people could only see the numbers in the center of the circle where the contrast was the highest. As you moved away from the center, the contrast between the digits and the background decreased, making the numbers on the outer edges difficult to read. However, if you squinted hard enough, you might have caught a glimpse of them!

If you managed to see the entire number, congratulations! You have exceptional eyesight. Feel proud of your accomplishment and share this optical illusion with your friends and family to put their eyesight to the test.