A Hilarious Prank Gone Wrong

Let me share a hilarious story that has been making rounds on the internet. It’s all about a woman who decided to play a prank on her husband. Brace yourself for a good laugh!

One day, this woman was feeling frustrated because her husband was always coming home late. Fueled by annoyance, she decided it was time to teach him a lesson. She wrote a note saying, “I’ve had enough and have left you. Don’t bother coming after me.” With the note in hand, she hid under the bed, eagerly waiting for her husband’s reaction.

Shortly after, she heard her husband enter the house. His footsteps echoed through the kitchen, growing closer to the bedroom. Anticipation built up within her, wondering how he would respond to her note. As he walked towards the dresser, he picked up the piece of paper and started reading it.

After a couple of minutes, the husband grabbed a pen and started scribbling something on the note. Confused, the woman couldn’t help but wonder what he was up to. Her curiosity grew stronger as she listened to him talking on the phone.

What she heard next left her jaw dropped in disbelief. Her husband exclaimed, “She’s finally gone… Yeah, I know, about bloody time! I’m coming to see you. Put on that sexy French nightie. I love you… Can’t wait to see you… We’ll do all the naughty things you like.” Shocked and filled with rage, the woman couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Her tears welling up, she watched as her husband hung up the phone, grabbed his keys, and left the house.

Finally emerging from her hiding spot, she was seething with anger. Tears streaming down her face, she snatched the note to see what her husband had written. To her surprise, the message said, “I can see your feet. We’re outta bread: be back in five minutes.”

I hope this story brought a smile to your face! Share it with your loved ones if you enjoyed it as much as we did.