Wife: Honey, can you please help me clean the garden?

Husband: (moaning) Do I have to? I’m in the middle of something really important here!

Wife: Really? Watching TV and napping on the couch counts as important?

Husband: (with a smile) You’d be surprised at the emotional investment I have in this episode.

Wife: Oh really? And what episode might that be?

Husband: It’s the… uh… gardening episode?

Wife: (rolling her eyes) Nice try. This garden isn’t going to clean itself. Now move it!

The husband gets up with a grunt and drags himself to the garden.

Husband: (holding a rake) Sweetie, I’m not sure this is my area of expertise.

Wife: Trust me. If you can operate the television remote with such precision, I’m sure you can figure out a rake.

With theatrics that would impress an Oscar judge, the husband begins raking leaves.

Husband: (out of breath after two minutes) Wow, this is hard work! Who knew leaves could be so heavy?

Wife: (chuckling) Maybe if we bought a leaf blower, it would be easier for you.

Husband: A leaf blower? Why didn’t you say so sooner? Let’s ‘blow’ this popsicle stand and buy one right away!

Wife: Ah, the true motivation surfaces. Fine, but we’re finishing this area first.

The husband grins like a kid who just discovered the cookie jar and resumes raking. Ten minutes later…

Husband: (looking at the small pile of leaves) This isn’t so bad. I think I might be getting the hang of it.

Wife: See? You might even enjoy gardening with me if you give it a chance.

Husband: (raising an eyebrow) Let’s not go that far. But the promise of a new leaf blower has its appeal.

Wife: How about this? We finish up here, and I’ll make your favorite dinner tonight.

Husband: Now that’s an offer I can’t refuse!

As they continue working together, the husband realizes that not only is the garden looking better, but he’s also enjoying the time spent with his wife.

Husband: (smiling) You know, this isn’t so terrible after all.

Wife: (teasingly) See? A little help never hurt anyone.

Husband: (laughing) Especially when there’s dinner involved. Maybe next time we can work on that flower bed.

Wife: Ready for another challenge already?

Husband: No, but if there’s dessert in it for me, I’m game.

Wife: Deal!

As they finish up the garden, the husband can’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment and a stronger bond with his wife. Who knew that a lazy husband could turn into a gardening pro with the right motivation?