‘Catastrophic’ Landslide Causes Highway Between Wyoming and Idaho to Collapse and Close Indefinitely

Oh, the joys of mountain highways – scenic views, fresh air, and the occasional catastrophic landslide that sends the whole road tumbling down the cliffside like your leftover lasagna from last night slipping off the counter.

This weekend, folks traveling between Wyoming and Idaho got an unexpected detour when a landslide caused a part of Teton Pass/Highway 22 to pack its bags and head south down the mountain – indefinitely.

According to officials, the area near milepost 12.8 decided it had enough and gave in completely after a few days of showing signs of wear and tear. The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) had their crews and some backup from Evans Construction working tirelessly to patch-up roads and create a detour, but to no avail. The ground just kept moving and in the end, took out the whole road. Talk about a dramatic exit! Lucky for us all, no humans or equipment got hurt during this mess.

Mother Nature sure knows how to shut things down. This particularly