How Many Squares do you See?

Can you solve this mind-bending puzzle? Take a look at the image below and try counting the number of squares you see. It may not be as easy as it seems!

This intriguing puzzle has been making the rounds on the internet recently, and we couldn’t resist giving it a try ourselves. Using Doceri, a visual tool, we kept track of the squares as we counted them. It was quite a challenge!

Now, it’s your turn! Take a few moments to closely examine the image and see how many squares you can find. Don’t worry if it takes some time. Sometimes, the answer is right in front of us, but it takes a little patience to uncover it.

Remember, there’s no rush. Take your time and enjoy the process. Share your findings in the comments or even better, post a video response! We would love to see how you approached this puzzle and what your answer is.

So go ahead, grab a pencil, and start counting those squares. Happy puzzling!