He Said He Was From The Future, And Now His Predictions Are Starting To Come True

Back in 2015, Drew Curtis made a bold claim – he called himself a “time traveler from 2020.” While it seemed like a joke at the time, Curtis is now gaining attention as some of his predictions are starting to come true.

Drew Curtis - The Time Traveler

Curtis is the founder of the news site Fark, and he has been using his supposed knowledge of the future to gain a following. Although he initially posted about being a time traveler as a joke, he recently retweeted his old post from May 2020, reminding people that he predicted the challenges we are facing now.

His predictions have sparked curiosity and intrigue, especially on social media platforms like TikTok. While some people still see him as a joke, others are looking to him for insight and hope during these difficult times in American history.

With Donald Trump as the President, the United States has faced many challenges. The country is grappling with an economic depression similar to the Great Depression of a hundred years ago. Gun violence rates have soared, police brutality cases are on the rise, and hate crimes and racism persist. It’s a tumultuous time indeed.

Curtis claims that there is hope on the horizon. He predicts that things will start to improve around the time of the general election in November. However, he also warns that states may have to shut down again due to people not following the recommended guidelines, such as wearing masks and maintaining social distancing.

While some people bombard Curtis with questions about the coronavirus, others are more interested in pop culture. Curtis has hinted that Trump will lose the election, and there is a possibility that the popular boy band One Direction might reunite after one of its members completes rehab.

Due to Curtis’s somewhat accurate predictions in the past, some conspiracy theorists are taking his new message seriously and betting on his accuracy once again. This has sparked both fascination and concern among his followers.

Although Curtis has gained a following as a supposed “savior” figure, he has admitted that he is not a real time traveler. Instead, he relies on his skills as a news aggregator to deduce future events. He advises people to stay informed by subscribing to reliable news sources like the New York Times and to pay attention to current events. He also emphasizes the importance of wearing masks and staying safe during this challenging time.

What do you think about these predictions? Will Curtis continue to surprise us with his insights from the future? Only time will tell.