When a 911 Call Becomes a Math Lesson

Imagine being so determined to solve a math problem that you dial 911 for help. That’s exactly what a spunky four-year-old boy named Johnny did. He interpreted his mother’s advice to call 911 if he needed help quite literally. Little did he know, he was about to receive a math lesson from a kind-hearted emergency dispatcher.

Child dials 911 seeking assistance from police officer after his mom's clever instruction

When Johnny made the call, he confidently told the dispatcher, “Yeah, I need some help.” Concerned, the operator asked what the matter was. Johnny replied, “With my math.” Thinking he misheard, the dispatcher asked where he lived. But Johnny was insistent on getting help over the phone.

While the dispatcher wanted to send an officer to Johnny’s location, the persistent young boy managed to convince the operator to assist him with his math. Johnny explained that he needed help with “take aways,” which meant subtraction. The patient dispatcher encouraged him to guess the answer rather than providing it outright. Their conversation continued, with Johnny’s mom in the background expressing her surprise.

As the operator and Johnny discussed math problems like “five take away five,” the operator’s gentle behavior and encouragement fueled the young boy’s enthusiasm. Eventually, Johnny’s mom interrupted, asking what he was doing. Fearlessly, he answered, “The policeman is helping me with my math,” reminding his mom that she told him to call for help when he needed it.

In the end, the operator reassured Johnny’s mom that everything was okay, but Johnny learned an important lesson – 911 is strictly for real emergencies and not for math assistance. The adorable exchange between Johnny and the dispatcher has brought laughter to many online listeners who admire the boy’s logical thinking and determination.


Funny and unexpected 911 calls are not uncommon. One man called 911 in Jacksonville, Florida, to complain that his sandwich didn’t have its special sauce. Another British caller panicked when he mistook the moon for a UFO. And in Romania, a man called the police because he couldn’t handle his noisy pet cat. Children also make their fair share of interesting calls, like a girl who reported her grandfather for cheating at cards and a boy who wanted the police to take away his mom because she insisted it was bedtime.

While 911 operators are undoubtedly busy and handle serious emergencies, it’s heartwarming to hear lighthearted stories like Johnny’s. These stories bring a smile to the faces of the dispatchers who answer these calls. Next time you need help with math, remember to call a teacher or a tutor, not 911!

Watch the video here: