Stay Cool All Day: Tips to Keep Your Air Conditioner Running Efficiently Without Breaking the Bank

Cleaning the vents and pipes of your air conditioner is essential to prevent blockages that disrupt airflow. This can easily be done by a professional or by yourself, and it will save you money and energy. When air can flow freely through the system, it will disperse evenly throughout your house, keeping you comfortable.

2. Call an Air Conditioner Professional

Having a professional examine your air conditioner system is a smart idea, whether you clean it yourself or hire someone. They can identify issues such as poor airflow or faulty pipes and wiring, ensuring that your system runs smoothly and efficiently.

3. Keep a Consistent Temperature

Maintaining a consistent temperature throughout the day can prevent your air conditioner from overworking during the hottest parts of the day. Set your thermostat to a comfortable level and avoid drastic temperature changes to save energy and keep your home cool.

4. Increase the Temperature

Setting your thermostat to a lower temperature, like 65 degrees, may seem tempting, but it can be bad for the environment and your energy bills. Instead, try setting it around 70 degrees. This minor adjustment can decrease energy usage by about 20% while still keeping you cool and comfortable.

5. Turn off the Air Conditioner

During midsummer nights with unbearable heat, it’s hard to imagine turning off your air conditioner. However, in the weeks before and after, when night temperatures are more comfortable, consider turning off your AC and opening the windows if possible. Also, if you’ll be away from home for some time, turning off the air conditioner can prevent it from overworking. It’s a simple way to give your AC a break and save energy.

6. Note the Time of Day

Afternoons and evenings tend to be the hottest parts of the day, and more energy is consumed during these times. Find activities that don’t require the air conditioner, like going to a local river or community swimming pool. Enjoying the afternoon outside can help save energy and keep you cool.

7. Close Windows

After a breezy night with open windows, close them during the day to minimize heat coming into your home from the sun. This simple step can help keep your home cooler and reduce the workload on your air conditioner.

8. Close Blinds

Closing your blinds during the hottest time of the day will prevent excess sunlight from entering your home, giving your air conditioner a much-needed break. It’s an easy way to keep your home cooler and more energy-efficient.

9. Use a Ceiling Fan with the Air Conditioner

Ceiling fans are great at circulating cool air throughout a room, making them an excellent supplement to your air conditioner. By using a ceiling fan, you can reduce the workload on your AC while still maintaining a comfortable temperature.

10. Cook with Care

Planning your meals around appliance usage can help ensure your air conditioner runs efficiently. Opt for smaller appliances like microwaves or slow cookers instead of using the oven whenever possible. Cooking meals early in the day can also allow the heat from the oven to dissipate before the temperature inside your home rises. Consider preparing cold meals like salads or charcuterie boards to avoid using heat-producing appliances altogether.

11. Ventilate and Insulate

In addition to cleaning your air conditioner ducts and removing any blockages, proper insulation is essential for your air conditioner’s efficiency. Ensure that your home is well-insulated by filling in any cracks or holes and using weatherstripping to prevent air from escaping. This is particularly important for homes with attics, basements, or porches with storage below.

12. Consider a Smart Thermostat

Investing in a smart thermostat may have a higher upfront cost, but it can significantly improve energy efficiency. These thermostats offer programmable features that allow you to adjust settings based on your family’s needs and daily routine. You can even schedule it to turn off or lower the temperature when you’re away from home, further reducing energy consumption.

By following these tips, you can keep your air conditioner running efficiently without breaking the bank. You’ll stay cool and comfortable while also saving energy and reducing your environmental impact. Try implementing these practices this summer and enjoy a refreshing, cost-effective season.