The Wonder of Childbirth Through a Child’s Eyes

This teacher never expected this explanation of child birth

Childbirth is a truly magical experience, especially when seen through the innocent and curious eyes of children. Today, I want to share a heartwarming and unforgettable “show-and-tell” presentation by a little girl in a primary school classroom. This beautiful story has been circulating on the Internet for years, capturing the hearts of people of all ages.

One day, a teacher asked a little girl named Erica to explain childbirth to the class. What followed was a unique and charming explanation that will surely bring a smile to your face and warm your heart.

Erica confidently walked to the front of the class with a pillow stuffed under her sweater. Holding up a snapshot of her baby brother, Luke, she began her story. “This is Luke, my baby brother, and I’m going to tell you about his birthday,” she said. “First, Mommy and Daddy made him as a symbol of their love. Then, Daddy put a seed in my mother’s stomach, and Luke grew in there. He ate for 9 months through an umbrella cord.”

As Erica continued, the kids in the class watched in amazement. She described how her mother started experiencing contractions, mimicking her mother’s actions by walking around and groaning. She even acted out the moment when her mother’s water broke, with a burst of laughter from the students.

With great enthusiasm, Erica shared how the “middle wife” was called, and her mother was helped to lay down. And then, “pop!” Out came her brother, covered in what she called “yucky stuff” from the play-center.

As Erica took a bow and returned to her seat, the classroom erupted in applause. The teacher, delighted by Erica’s storytelling talents, couldn’t help but wish she had captured it on video. From that day forward, the teacher always brought her camcorder on show-and-tell days, hoping for another unforgettable performance like Erica’s.

In addition to Erica’s heartwarming tale, I would like to share another story that celebrates the strength and resilience of women. Though the author remains unknown, the message contained within this story has touched the hearts of countless people around the world.

The story begins with an angel asking God why he spent so much time creating women. God replied, “Have you seen all the specifications I have to meet to shape her?” He explained how women must be able to handle various situations, from comforting multiple children to healing emotional pain with a single hug. They must possess remarkable strength and endurance, even when faced with adversity.

The angel marveled at God’s creation but noticed that women seemed to carry a heavy burden. God explained that women express their emotions through tears – tears of grief, doubt, love, loneliness, suffering, and pride. The angel realized that women are truly marvelous, with an ability to handle trouble, carry burdens, and continue to find happiness and love amidst challenges.

Despite all their incredible qualities, women often forget their worth. This story serves as a powerful reminder to value and celebrate the women in our lives, recognizing their amazing strength and unconditional love.

If these stories touched your heart as they did mine, I encourage you to share them with your friends on Facebook. Let’s spread the message of appreciation and respect for women, celebrating their resilience, love, and remarkable abilities. Together, we can uplift and inspire those around us!