I Want My Jobless Mom, 64, to Babysit My Kid but She Demands Payment

A new mother was faced with a dilemma when she needed help taking care of her newborn while she returned to work. She turned to her 64-year-old mother for support, but things took an unexpected turn when her mother asked to be compensated for her babysitting services.

The young mother shared her story on Reddit, seeking advice from the online community. She explained that she had recently given birth and needed assistance with caring for her baby. Her first choice was her own mother, who had been a homemaker since 1992. However, her mother was reluctant to take on a full-time babysitting job.

The grandmother explained that she felt too old for the responsibilities of full-time childcare, having already raised her own children. She also voiced her opinion that her daughter should have considered staying at home if she wanted to have a baby. She believed that they should strive for a more “traditional” family dynamic, where the mother stays home to care for the child.

The young mother, however, had her own reasons for returning to work. She and her partner had faced financial difficulties due to the pandemic, and they needed both incomes to support their family. The couple also lived in a small one-bedroom apartment and hoped to move to a bigger place once their baby grew older. Every penny mattered in their situation.

Despite all this, the grandmother refused to babysit without being compensated. She asked for $20 per hour, including late fees if the parents were late in picking up the child. She also requested a car seat and stroller, as well as reimbursement for transportation costs since babysitting at their apartment was not an option.

The young mother found her mother’s demands unreasonable, especially considering the additional expenses they would have to incur for the car seat and stroller. She wanted to save money and pay off their debts, rather than accumulating more. As a result, what seemed like a simple solution to her childcare problem turned into a conflict between her and her mother.

The young mother sought advice from other Reddit users, asking if she was wrong for not wanting to pay her mother for babysitting. However, the response she received was not what she expected. Many users were just as harsh as her mother, suggesting that she shouldn’t have had children if she couldn’t afford to take care of them. Some even criticized her for not discussing this arrangement with her mother during her pregnancy, knowing that she would need to return to work.

People also took issue with the young mother’s statement that her mother did nothing except watch TV and cook meals. They emphasized that being a caregiver, especially for a child, is demanding and deserves recognition. It was argued that the grandmother had the right to refuse the offer, as she had already raised her own children and should be able to provide babysitting occasionally out of goodwill.

In summary, the young mother’s request for her jobless mother to babysit her child without compensation caused a rift between them. The responses from Reddit users highlighted the challenges faced by both parties and shed light on the importance of understanding each other’s perspectives. Ultimately, the young mother’s expectations were seen as entitled and unrealistic by many.