A Tale of Wedding Dress Controversy

In November 2022, a woman took to Reddit to share a troubling story about conflicts that arose during her wedding planning. The anonymous poster, who had been in a six-year relationship with her fiancé, found herself reconsidering their future together due to a disagreement over the color of her wedding dress.

The woman had been actively involved in the wedding preparations, but her fiancé, Ryan, occasionally chimed in with his opinions. About a month before the wedding, Ryan surprised her with a suggestion—she should reconsider wearing a white dress. Initially, the woman dismissed his request, thinking it was related to his artistic nature or some creative consideration.

A woman in a white bridal dress looking confused while holding a tablet | Source: Shutterstock

However, as the argument unfolded, the woman became increasingly appalled by Ryan’s actions. This left her seriously contemplating whether their relationship could withstand such a difference in perspectives.

Despite her determination to stick with her original choice of a white dress, Ryan persisted in expressing his irritation. He even demanded to see the dress, but the woman stood her ground, wanting to maintain the element of surprise for their special day.

As their wedding date approached, tension reached a boiling point. When the woman revealed that her dress was indeed white, Ryan’s reaction was explosive. He expressed a preference for a red dress, claiming that brides should only wear white if they were “pure.”

At this point, it became clear that Ryan’s belief stemmed from his interpretation of purity and a fixation on the woman’s past. Their relationship had started when she was 21 and he was 20. Initially, insecurities about past experiences had haunted them, but they had managed to move forward. However, Ryan’s insistence on the color of her dress brought these issues back to the forefront.

In an attempt to gain support for his viewpoint, Ryan turned to his mother. However, even she sided with the woman. This resulted in a highly charged confrontation between Ryan, his mother, and the woman in their living room. During the argument, it was pointed out that Ryan was no longer a virgin, which led to him suggesting that he should also wear red. Despite tears and emotional outbursts, Ryan remained resolute in his belief that her choice of a white dress would deceive their wedding guests, claiming that standards were somehow different for men.

Faced with such a difficult situation, the woman found herself questioning her future with Ryan. She was disgusted by his actions and the fact that he, someone who wasn’t religious, fixated on her past and her loss of virginity at the age of 18—a time long before they had even met. Feeling frustrated, she turned to the online community for understanding and support.

In a later update, the woman revealed that she had ended her engagement in her late 20s. She found herself embarking on her first date in six years, choosing a waterfront seafood restaurant in North Carolina for the occasion. Uncertain about what attire would be appropriate, she sought advice from the Reddit community, with many suggesting she wear red.

After reading this story, one might wonder whether the woman made the right decision in ending her engagement. It’s a question that highlights the impact of differing views and the importance of open communication in relationships.