People Are Horrified After Finding Out One Body Part Is Always Removed During An Autopsy

Autopsies are complex procedures used to determine the cause of death. However, recent revelations have uncovered a little-known fact about these examinations that has shocked many. Let’s delve into this unsettling discovery.

Understanding the Autopsy Process

Before we explore the details, it’s important to understand the meticulous nature of an autopsy procedure. Investigators gather information from various sources, such as medical records, witness testimonies, and the location of death, to ensure accurate interpretations of the findings. Groundwork is essential in this process[^1^].

The Next Steps

Once the preliminary investigation is complete, the procedure begins with the careful removal of the deceased’s clothing. The examiner closely examines the body for visible injuries, scars, or anomalies. Modern technology, including X-rays and ultraviolet light, can uncover hidden irregularities that may aid in determining the cause of death[^2^].

Debunking Hollywood Myths

Contrary to what is depicted in movies and TV shows, autopsies often differ from what happens in reality. Dr. Ed Uthman, a seasoned pathologist, points out common inaccuracies in on-screen portrayals, including erroneous incision techniques. These discrepancies highlight the misunderstandings and misinformation surrounding sensitive procedures related to court proceedings, police investigations, and even hospital dramas[^3^].

Revelation from an Autopsy Technician

Gerald Ledford, a well-known autopsy technician renowned for his informative TikToks, recently shared alarming details about the autopsy process. Ledford revealed that during autopsies, one specific body part is always removed: the tongue[^4^].

The Role of Tongue Removal

According to Ledford, the removal of the tongue is crucial for ensuring a thorough examination and ruling out any potential interference. He clarifies that the entire tongue, along with surrounding structures such as the throat and aorta, is removed during an autopsy[^5^].

Reactions and Reflections

The revelation about tongue removal has evoked various responses from the public, ranging from shock to humor. Some people express disbelief, while others contemplate the reasons behind these procedures and what it would be like for them when they pass away. Ledford’s insight has sparked a broader conversation about postmortem examinations and the importance of accurate information, even if it means removing someone’s tongue for the sake of investigation[^6^].


Tongue removal during an autopsy is a standard procedure that underscores the intricate nature of forensic investigations. Although this knowledge may make some uncomfortable, it is vital to recognize that Hollywood makes certain choices to cater to a more sensitive audience. As forensic science continues to advance, it is essential for us to approach these topics with sensitivity, factual accuracy, and an understanding of the importance of such procedures[^7^].


  • “What Exactly Do They Do During an Autopsy?” Live Science
  • “People left horrified after learning the surprising body part that is always removed during an autopsy” LadBible