Valerie Bertinelli Opens Up About Her Battle with Hidden Bruises

Valerie Bertinelli, beloved actress and TV personality, recently took to Instagram to share a candid video about her struggles with hidden bruises and the healing journey she’s embarked on. In the heartfelt video, Bertinelli walks and talks to the camera, while the swishing sound of her jeans rubbing together serves as a backdrop.

Bertinelli explains, with a touch of humor, that the swishing sound is caused by a small, hidden bruise she had that day. She candidly shares that her ex-partner used to mercilessly mock her, making hurtful comments about her weight and attributing the noise her pants made to her laziness. It was a painful reminder of the emotional and verbal abuse she endured.

But Bertinelli has come a long way since then. She clarifies that hidden bruises are not physical marks but rather the lasting effects of emotional, verbal, and mental abuse that remain invisible to others. And she’s proud to say that the work she’s been doing on healing is paying off – she can now laugh at the sound her pants make as a symbol of freedom and empowerment.

Despite her fears of judgment, Bertinelli bravely shared the video because she believes in the power of moving on and healing. And it’s clear that her message resonated with many people. The comments section was filled with words of support and encouragement, as others shared their own experiences of hidden bruises and found inspiration in Bertinelli’s strength.

Healing is not a linear process, as one commenter aptly pointed out. But Bertinelli’s video serves as a reminder that we can thrive even in the face of past pain. It’s a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

If you relate to the concept of hidden bruises or have your own hidden bruises, you’re not alone. Bertinelli’s open and honest sharing provides a sense of belonging and understanding. And if you’ve ever worn pants that made a swishing sound when you walked, know that there’s always a chance for freedom and healing.