My Ex Demanded I Pay Him Back Every Penny He Spent on Me — I Made Him Wish He Never Asked – LoveAnimals

Imagine being cheated on and then receiving a text from your ex demanding that you pay him back for every penny he ever spent on you. Sounds ridiculous, right? Well, that’s exactly what happened to me. But instead of getting angry, I came up with a plan that would make him regret ever making that request.

Let me give you some background. My ex-boyfriend, Dan Brown, and I were together for five years. Everything was great until he cheated on me. I thought that was the end of it, but boy was I wrong. A month after our breakup, Dan suddenly reappeared, demanding that I pay him back for all the gifts he had ever given me.

Can you believe it? He wanted money for all the birthday presents, Christmas gifts, and New Year’s surprises he had given me throughout our relationship. I couldn’t help but laugh. Who does that?

Instead of getting into an argument with him, I decided to play along with his demand. But here’s the twist – I set up a direct debit to send him one penny a day. Yes, you read that right, one penny. It was my way of getting back at him in a clever and mischievous way.

I’ll never forget the moment I hit the final confirmation button on my bank’s app. My best friend, Emily, couldn’t stop laughing when I told her what I was doing. And so, the daily penny transfers began.

Every time I saw that single penny deducted from my account, it felt like a small victory. Emily and I would joke about how long it would take before my ex finally snapped. Months went by, and the penny payments continued. Dan would occasionally text me, demanding his money, but I was determined to stick to my plan.

Then one day, I received a different kind of message from him. It was a plea for me to stop. He finally realized that I wasn’t going to give in to his demands. I decided it was time to end the penny payments, but not without one final touch.

I withdrew the remaining amount I owed him in pennies and nickels and sent them to his apartment in a small box. I adorned the package with a nice bow and included a handwritten note. The thought of him opening the box and realizing he had lost his battle brought me immense satisfaction.

From that day forward, Dan and his ridiculous demands became a distant memory. I learned that sometimes the best way to handle pettiness is with a little bit of creativity and a whole lot of humor. I reclaimed my sense of control and moved on.

Years later, I shared my revenge story with a new friend, Jenny, who was also going through a rough breakup. Inspired by my experience, Jenny came up with her own plan to get back at her ex. She set up a monthly payment of ten cents, reminding him that she was fulfilling his request.

It’s incredible how one act of revenge can inspire others. Jenny found her power again, just as I did. And that felt even better than the revenge itself.

If you enjoyed my story, click here to read about Hailey, who taught her boyfriend never to lie to her again. His betrayal was even worse than what I went through, as he lied about wanting a child.