Off The Record: Giant Flying Spiders On Their Way to New York City!

Hold on to your hats, folks, because New York City is about to experience an invasion like never before! Brace yourselves for the arrival of the Joro spider, a new species of deadly, airborne spiders that can give Spider-Man a run for his money! 😬

These gigantic, eight-legged creatures are making their way up the Eastern Seaboard, heading straight for the Northeast, and the residents of New York and New Jersey are gearing up for their arrival. With legs that can stretch up to 4 inches, female Joro spiders are not only huge, but they are also known for their ability to use parachute-like silk formations to float through the air.

One thing’s for sure, you won’t miss them when you see them! Their bright yellow and gray bodies make them highly visible, even when they’re not giving you nightmares by leaping out at you.

Believed to have originated in East Asia and first observed in North America in 2010, the Joro spider is an invasive species that has rapidly spread across several states, including Florida, the Carolinas, Alabama, Mississippi, and many more. Now, it seems, it’s New York City’s turn.

Experts predict that the Northeast environment is ideal for the Joro spiders to thrive, so it won’t be long before they start appearing in the city. And just like the friendly neighborhood superhero, these spiders seem to have taken a liking to the urban life. Sightings have been reported of them hanging out on street lamps and telephone poles, just like Spider-Man himself.

Now, don’t panic just yet! Despite their venomous nature, experts assure us that these spiders are not a direct threat to humans or pets. Their primary prey consists of other spiders and insects, so we’re safe from becoming their dinner. But let’s be honest, it’s hard not to feel a little uneasy when these creepy crawlers are flying straight towards us!