Unlucky Husbands (Funny Story)

Once upon a time, two women friends reunited after many years apart. As they caught up, one of them couldn’t help but ask about the other woman’s son.

“Tell me,” said the curious friend, “what happened to your son?”

The mother let out a deep sigh, lamenting, “My poor lad! He ended up in such an unfortunate marriage. His wife refuses to lift a finger to help around the house. All she does is sleep, loaf around, and read in bed. Can you believe it? My son even brings her breakfast to bed every morning!”

The friend could only respond with sympathy, “That’s truly awful. And what about your daughter?”

To this, the mother’s face lit up. “Ah, she’s the lucky one! She married an angel of a man. He absolutely forbids her from doing any housework. And every morning, he lovingly serves her breakfast in bed. My daughter gets to sleep in as long as she wants and relaxes for the entire day.”

Sometimes, life gives us twists and turns that we least expect. But it’s stories like these that remind us to appreciate the little blessings we have.