Don’t Touch These If You See Them on Your Plants – Viral

Have you ever come across strange, black geometric patterns on your garden leaves? Well, I recently discovered that these are actually Nymphalis Antiopa butterfly eggs, also known as Mourning Cloak butterflies. At first, they may seem like an alien infestation, but believe it or not, they are actually quite beneficial.

These intricate eggs resemble delicate black lace spread across the leaves, forming perfect geometric shapes. It’s truly a sight to behold! Once they hatch, black caterpillars with white spots and spiny bodies emerge. But here’s the good news for gardeners like us – these caterpillars primarily feed on trees and shrubs such as willows, elms, and poplars. So, our beloved garden flowers and vegetables remain safe from their appetite.

The caterpillars go through several growth stages before forming a chrysalis and eventually transforming into beautiful Mourning Cloak butterflies. These stunning creatures have dark wings bordered in yellow and blue spots. Not only are they visually striking, but they also play an important role in our ecosystem.

Interestingly, these butterflies hibernate during winter and are among the first to appear in spring. So, if you spot these eggs or caterpillars in your garden, it’s best to leave them be. By doing so, we can contribute to a healthier ecosystem and have a fascinating glimpse into the captivating lifecycle of these unique butterflies.