The Dress That Divided a Wedding

The mother of the bride wore a dress that caused a stir at a recent wedding on the Scottish island of Colonsay. But what color was it exactly? The bride posted a photo of the dress online, and people couldn’t agree on whether it was white and gold or blue and black.

The debate quickly spread across social media, with even scientists unable to come to a consensus. Media companies jumped on the bandwagon, rushing to write articles about the infamous dress. Buzzfeed, in particular, saw a surge in traffic, with their poll titled “What Colors Are This Dress?” being viewed over 28 million times.

Taylor Swift chimed in on Twitter, expressing her confusion and stating that the dress was “OBVIOUSLY BLUE AND BLACK.” Mindy Kaling also weighed in, strongly believing that the dress was blue and black.

The dress became a viral sensation, attracting the attention of millions of people who all had strong opinions about its colors. It seemed that everyone was convinced they were right.

The power of social media has made it possible for a simple dress to captivate millions of viewers and create a widespread debate. It just goes to show the impact of a single image in today’s connected world.