Outrage as Kim Kardashian’s Daughter Lands Role as Young Simba

The nepotism debate in Hollywood has been a hot topic of conversation lately, especially after Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s daughter, North West, landed a role as young Simba in The Lion King’s 30th anniversary concert at the Hollywood Bowl. While some people applauded North’s talent, others were not so appreciative and accused the casting of being based on “nepotism,” taking away the opportunity from a more deserving child.

Many critics took to social media to express their frustration. One person on X (formerly known as Twitter) wrote, “There are plenty of talented and hard-working 10-year-olds who deserved this far more than North West… Nepotism is a mockery to hard-working people.” Another added, “Casting North West as Simba when there are properly trained theatre kids with voice coaches, dance skills, and experience was a HORRIBLE choice. It definitely makes you question the credibility of the casting director.”

Some details have since emerged about how North West secured the role. It turns out that the Kardashian family has a close connection to the event’s producers, which likely played a significant role in North West’s casting. The production company responsible for The Lion King at the Hollywood Bowl also produces The Kardashians, adding another layer to the controversy.

This is not the first time North West has showcased her musical talent. Earlier this year, she was featured on a track with her father, Kanye West, and other artists. The source also mentioned that casting North brought star power and attention to the event, fulfilling the producers’ desire for publicity. The insider revealed, “This is 100 per cent the result of her family’s relationship with Disney and with Fulwell.”

Furthermore, it is believed that the performance will be featured in an upcoming episode of the family’s reality show, further increasing its notoriety. The source stated, “Like everything the Kardashians do, this was well-documented and planned. They have to keep the brand somehow.”

Despite the controversy surrounding her casting, North West’s passion for music and performing shines through. She is determined to pursue a career in the entertainment industry, and her parents fully support her aspirations. The insider shared, “North wants to do music, stage, TV, film, and all different things in entertainment. Kim and Kanye are going to help her get any and all opportunities possible.”

The news of North West’s role as young Simba has certainly sparked strong opinions. What are your thoughts on this matter? Feel free to share your opinion in the comments section and discuss it with your friends and family.