Dad Builds Massive $35 Million Theme Park So Kids With Special Needs Like Daughter Can Feel Included

Nothing can compare to the love of a parent. They would go to any lengths to provide for their children’s needs and more. For parents with children with special needs, ensuring that their child has the best life possible comes with its challenges. No matter how much they provide for their children, the world can be harsh, and sometimes, that is beyond their control.

Let’s take a look at the heartwarming story of Gordon Hartman, who went above and beyond to make sure his daughter, Morgan, could enjoy life to the fullest.

Gordon’s Love for Morgan

When Morgan was twelve years old, Gordon realized just how harsh the world could be for children like her. Morgan is on the autism spectrum with cognitive delay. But to those who know how to interact with her, she is the sweetest and friendliest child.

While on a family vacation, Gordon noticed Morgan struggling to make friends in the pool. The other kids didn’t know how to engage with her, which broke Gordon’s heart and ignited a passion within him.

The Dream of Inclusivity

Gordon began searching for public parks and recreational spaces that would cater to children with special needs. To his surprise, he discovered that no such place existed, not even on an international scale. This frustration became the driving force behind his dream.

To fulfill his vision, he sold his homebuilding business to gather the necessary funds. Gordon consulted with engineers, architects, designers, and potential investors to create something extraordinary: Morgan’s Wonderland.

Welcome to Morgan’s Wonderland

Morgan’s Wonderland is an all-accessible theme park situated in San Antonio, Texas. The park is open to everyone, with or without disabilities. Children and adults with special needs can enjoy all the fun rides and games for free. Additionally, all the rides are wheelchair-accessible, ensuring that individuals with limited mobility can join in on the excitement.

Gordon’s dream was to create a safe space where everyone could interact and enjoy each other’s company without any barriers. He turned that dream into a reality, not only for Morgan but also for thousands of children who can now experience a breath of fresh air in this inclusive paradise.

Morgan’s Inspiration Island

Due to the immense success and positive impact of Morgan’s Wonderland, additional investors and nonprofit organizations felt the need to expand and cater to more families. This led to the creation of Morgan’s Inspiration Island, a fully-accessible water park.

Similar to Morgan’s Wonderland, the rides at Morgan’s Inspiration Island are wheelchair-friendly, ensuring that individuals with disabilities can fully participate. The park even includes warm water baths to aid those with muscular conditions.

Making a Difference

What makes these recreational parks even more inspiring is that one-third of their staff consists of individuals with special needs. This creates an inclusive and supportive work environment for everyone involved.

It’s important to note that both Morgan’s Wonderland and Morgan’s Inspiration Island are funded solely through donations. Although they operate at a million-dollar loss per year, they continue to serve the public and make a significant impact on the lives of individuals with special needs.

Despite the financial challenges, there’s no doubt that these parks are winning at making a difference in the lives of children and adults who deserve to feel included and valued.