Her Husband Refused To Clean After His Trashy Family So She Called Her Mom To Come Over

It can be tough when you get married because you’re not just gaining a spouse, you’re also gaining a family. Sometimes, those family dynamics can create problems, especially if they have different ways of living. In the story below, a husband’s family came to live with them and they caused a lot of trouble, causing stress between the husband and wife.

Standing Up for What’s Right

When you’re faced with a situation like this, you may wonder if you have the right to stand up for what’s right. Well, that’s exactly what this woman did.

She is 26 years old and currently pregnant with her first child. Her pregnancy has not been easy, with terrible morning sickness that landed her in the hospital for a week after passing out and hitting her head. When she finally returned home, she was met with a messy house and her husband’s brother’s family occupying two out of three bedrooms. The house was a complete wreck, with trash, dirty clothes, and used diapers everywhere. Naturally, she was upset and started crying. But her husband didn’t seem to think it was a big deal.

Exhausted, she fell asleep for a few hours, hoping that when she woke up, the house would be cleaned. But to her disappointment, nothing had changed. Frustrated, she passive-aggressively started washing the dirty dishes.

The next morning, she was trying to work when the kids from her brother-in-law’s family wouldn’t stop crying. They were banging on the walls, causing a tremendous disturbance. Their mother, on the other hand, was holed up in her room, ignoring the chaos. When her husband came home, he was upset with her for not making his brother’s wife feel welcome and complained about nothing being done in the house all day. Despite the fact that he contributed nothing to the cleaning efforts himself.

Taking a Stand

This led to a heated argument where she told her husband that she was too sick to have guests and that his family needed to leave. But to her surprise and disappointment, he refused, claiming that they were his family and he wouldn’t kick them out. Feeling beyond frustrated and physically drained, she called her mom, who arrived with her brothers. Her mom wasted no time taking charge, sending her to bed while her brothers cleaned and expressed their disgust at her brother-in-law’s family.

Amidst all the chaos, she received a text message from her mother-in-law, accusing her of being unwilling to help her husband clean and making her brother-in-law uncomfortable by having her mom boss him around.

Later, her mother-in-law showed up and was shocked by the state of the house. She quickly joined forces with her mom to clean and tidy up the place. The truth about the eviction and the financial help provided by her in-laws also came to light, making her mother-in-law unhappy.

Her sister-in-law refused to leave the bedroom and only communicated by shouting through the door until her family came to pick her up. Despite the difficult situation, she had a heartfelt conversation with her husband, and he expressed remorse for his actions. They decided to take some time apart, with him staying at her brother’s house, and they planned to attend marriage and individual counseling.

Finding Support

Her mom and dad are currently staying with her to provide support while she’s sick. Both mothers have come up with a meal plan, taking turns bringing in dinner to help alleviate the burden. This plan was suggested by her mother-in-law, which she appreciated.

In the end, she’s thankful for the advice she received and is taking steps to work things out with her husband. However, the journey is far from over, as they navigate counseling and mend their relationship.