The Daredevil Who Tried to Get Eaten Alive by a Snake

We’ve all watched wildlife xadocumentaries, fascinated by the way snakes secure their lunch. But what if someone offered themselves up on a plate to a snake? That’s exactly what Paul Rosolie did, and let’s just say, he immediately regretted it.

Paul Rosolie is a conservationist dedicated to protecting the Amazon rainforest and its creatures. He has spent 16 years studying the green anacondas that call the rainforest home. Seeing their habitats decrease over time, he knew he needed to do something big to raise awareness and support for saving the rainforest.

In 2014, Rosolie embarked on a daring mission to get eaten alive by a green anaconda as a massive fundraiser for rainforest conservation. He found a 20-foot long, 18-stone snake in the Peruvian Amazon to be his dining partner. To protect himself, Rosolie wore a custom-made carbon fiber suit, designed to withstand the snake’s crushing and digestive forces. The suit was also equipped with cameras and a radio mic for communication with his team.

Covered in pig’s blood to entice the snake, Rosolie approached the anaconda on all fours. In a matter of seconds, the snake latched onto his head and began constricting his arms and body, squeezing the life out of him. Despite the intense pressure, Rosolie tried to remain calm. But when the snake started consuming his head, he called for help, and his team rushed in to wrestle the snake off him.

Rosolie later admitted that he realized the danger he was in and feared for his life. The force of the snake’s grip and the feeling of his suit cracking and his arms ripping out of their sockets made him tap out of the experiment. However, he reassured everyone that he wasn’t terrified, as he had confidence in the strength of his carbon-fiber suit and the presence of experts for any emergency.

This daring and controversial stunt aimed to show people the power of these amazing snakes and raise support for protecting their habitats. While Rosolie escaped the jaws of the green anaconda, it’s safe to say that this is a feat best left to the movies.

Man who tried to get eaten alive by snake immediately regretted it