Photos Capture Stunning Birth That Only Happens Once In 80,000

Miracles of Childbirth

No matter how cynical you are, you have to admit that childbirth is a miracle. There’s just something so mysterious about how a human being comes into the world. And they always bring surprises with them. No matter how meticulous moms are with planning for childbirth, nature will somehow throw a wrench into the system and make moms and dads think on their feet. It’s the start of many amazing and adventurous moments to come.

Photos Capture Stunning Birth That Only Happens Once In 80,000

A Rare Occurrence

While birthing classes and resources available at your local bookstore can give moms an advantage when it comes to handling childbirth and knowing what to expect, there really is nothing that can fully prepare a human for the moment of bringing another life into the world. One such surprise is when a child has an en-caul birth. This means that the baby is still fully encased within the amniotic sac, or as some people like to call it, the caul.

This type of childbirth is very rare, happening only once in about every 80,000 births. That means that few people ever get to witness this truly amazing situation. But photographer Jana Brasil, from Brazil, was fortunate enough to be in the room when it happened and captured the entire moment on film.

Captivating Photographs

Photographs from the hospital room show the baby stuck inside the amniotic sac. This captivating view into a world unknown to most of us emphasizes just how little we understand about life and the world around us. If this is the birth situation for one out of every 80,000 children, it’s not as rare as you might think.

The Power of the Images

People were truly moved by the photographs Brasil posted to her photography business page online. And there’s no wonder why! The images she has shared are so powerful, they are meant to be viewed by as many people as possible. Many people left comments, sharing their own stories and beliefs.

One mom shared, “My daughter was also born this way naturally on June 18, 2008, during a home birth. She’s now 11 years old, and although it was the midwife’s first experience, she had delivered many babies before. They say a child born in an intact placenta has a sixth sense as they grow up.”

Another woman wrote, “He’s a beautiful little boy, and he will have special powers. My mother was born with a veil, and she knew the things that were going to happen.”

The baby in these incredible photos is Noah Valasco. He was delivered via a C-section at the Praia da Costa Hospital. He is healthy and happy, just like his mother, Monyck.

When Monyck first realized that images of her son’s birth had gone viral, she was shocked. She said to the media, “People all around the world are reposting the photos and looking for us. I saw him being born. They lowered the screen so I could see. I cried a lot. It’s an emotion that has no size.”

What are your thoughts on these touching images?