Jane Fonda’s Concerns About Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s Relationship

As we all know, Jennifer Lopez has recently rekindled her romance with Ben Affleck, and it seems like the whole world is rooting for them. However, not everyone is completely on board with this reunion, especially Jennifer’s longtime friend, Jane Fonda.

Jane, who has been friends with Jennifer since they starred together in the movie “Monster-in-Law” back in 2005, recently voiced her concerns about the couple’s relationship. In Jennifer’s new documentary, “This Is Me Now: A Love Story,” Jane opens up about her worries.

“I want you to know that I don’t entirely know why, but I feel invested in you and Ben, and I really want this to work,” Jane confessed to Jennifer. However, she also expressed her concerns, saying, “It feels too much like you’re trying to prove something instead of just living it. You know, every other photograph is the two of you kissing and the two of you hugging.”

Despite Jane’s worries, Jennifer seemed unfazed and laughed off the comment. She believes that the public displays of affection are simply a reflection of their love and happiness. After all, when you’re in love, why not show it, right?

One particular moment that made Jane even more worried was seeing photos of Ben Affleck at the 2023 Grammys, where he appeared somewhat unhappy. Jane admitted feeling scared and concerned, wondering what might be going on between them.

Jennifer, however, assured her friend that everything was fine and that Ben was just feeling the pressure of being in the public eye. She explained, “He’s like, ‘I’ve become the symbol of the beleaguered man.’”

Jane also emphasized that she genuinely believes that “everyone in the entire world is pulling for this relationship and this love.” She added that it’s crucial for the couple to handle their relationship in a way that doesn’t overly flaunt it, leading to unnecessary criticism or resentment.

In the end, Jane’s words come from a place of love and concern for Jennifer. She wants nothing more than to see her friend happy and in a healthy relationship. What do you think about Jane’s perspective? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.