A Memorable Weekend Party


One Monday morning, Shane the postman was making his rounds through the neighborhood, delivering mail as usual. As he approached a particular home, he noticed that both cars were still parked in the driveway. Curiosity piqued, he saw David, the homeowner, emerging with a load of empty beer, wine, and spirit bottles, heading towards the recycling bin.

“Wow, David, looks like you guys had quite the party last night,” Shane remarked, amused by the spectacle.

David, clearly in discomfort, replied, “Actually, we had it on Saturday night. This is the first time I’ve been able to move since 4 o’clock Sunday morning. We had about 15 couples from the neighborhood over for a fun-filled weekend, and things got a little wild. We all got so carried away around midnight that we decided to play ‘Who Am I?’”

Intrigued, the postman asked, “How do you play ‘Who Am I’?”

With a grin, David explained, “Well, all the guys go into the bedroom, and one by one, they come out covered with a sheet, exposing only their ‘family jewels’ through a hole. Then, the women have to guess who it is…”

The postman burst into laughter and said, “That sounds like a blast! I’m sorry I missed it.”

David chuckled and replied, “It’s probably a good thing you did. Your name came up seven times!”

It seems like David and his friends had a lively and unpredictable weekend, filled with laughter and merriment. These unexpected moments create lasting memories and remind us all that no matter our age, we can still let loose and have some fun!