Why Some People Are Afraid of Taking Cruises at Night

Cruises have long been a popular choice for vacations, but for some individuals, the thought of being on a cruise ship at night can be terrifying. A recent video by @chasingthedream.hj sheds light on this fear, revealing just how dark the ocean can get when the sun goes down. And let’s face it, when you’re out in the middle of the sea with nothing but darkness below you, it’s only natural to feel a sense of existential dread.

First of all, let’s address the sheer size of the ocean. It’s enormous, and the vastness of it can be unsettling. Combine that with the lack of light in the water, and you’ve got a recipe for a spooky experience. If you’ve ever been in an isolated place at night, you’ll understand just how black everything can become. Now imagine looking out into the ocean and seeing nothing but darkness. It’s enough to give anyone the chills.

The video uploaded by @chasingthedream.hj captures the darkness of the water at night, and the caption itself speaks volumes: “Cruises are great until you realize how dark the ocean gets at night.” In the video, he goes on to explain, “Unless you’ve been on a cruise ship, you’re not going to understand how dark it gets at night. And then they say, ‘all you’re doing is showing the swimming pool’, it’s kind of because there’s nothing to see if you look overboard at night because it’s absolutely pitch black.” These honest revelations struck a chord with many viewers, leaving them scared and reconsidering their cruise plans.

One individual shared, “Nope, I have a weird thing about bodies of water at night! That would creep me out way too much.” Another boldly stated, “You cannot pay me enough to go on a cruise.” And a third person declared, “And that’s why…I WILL NEVER.” It’s clear that the fear of the dark ocean is a common sentiment among those who have yet to experience it firsthand.

But it’s not just on cruises where this fear can be found. Joethesailor, a TikToker who shares his life as an officer aboard container ships, revealed that even he gets frightened by the pitch-black conditions when he ventures out onto the deck at night. Among sailors, there is a belief that one should never walk out on deck alone during the night. The darkness can start to affect you, almost beckoning you to dive into its depths.

Aside from the darkness, the possibility of a cruise ship sinking or getting stranded in the middle of nowhere is another fear that contributes to people’s apprehension. According to a New York Times article, 16 cruise ships sank between 1980 and 2012. These incidents mostly involved smaller cruise lines or ships sailing in turbulent areas like the Antarctic Ocean. The Times also mentions one of the deadliest shipwrecks, which occurred in 1994 when a ship capsized in the Baltic Sea, resulting in the tragic loss of 800 lives. It’s a stark reminder that even on a supposedly relaxing vacation, things can take a troubling turn.

In March 2019, the luxury cruise liner Viking Sky faced engine problems off the coast of Norway, leaving over 1,300 passengers stranded. While no lives were lost in this incident, it serves as a reminder that unexpected events can happen, even on the most well-planned cruises.

Taking a cruise can be an incredible experience, but it’s important to acknowledge and respect the fears and concerns some individuals may have. Understanding that darkness and the vastness of the ocean can be unsettling goes a long way in supporting those who may be hesitant about embarking on a cruise adventure.

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