A Boss and His Sign

Once upon a time, in a staff meeting not too long ago, a boss was feeling quite disheartened. He lamented about the lack of respect he was receiving from his employees. Determined to change this, he hatched a plan.

The next morning, he walked into a sign shop and purchased a small sign that boldly declared, “I’m the Boss.” Excitedly, he taped the sign to his office door, hoping it would command the respect he desired.

To his surprise, when he returned from lunch later that day, he found a note taped to his sign that read, “Your wife called, she wants her sign back!” The boss couldn’t help but chuckle at the witty response.

Meanwhile, the boss had noticed that one of his most valued employees was absent from work without any explanation. Concerned, he decided to reach out to the employee. He urgently needed their assistance with a critical computer issue.

Dialing the employee’s home phone, the boss was greeted by a soft and timid voice on the other end. It was a child. The boss inquired if their father was available to speak. The child whispered, “Yes, but you can’t talk to him.”

Curiosity piqued, the boss asked if their mother was present. Again, the child whispered, “Yes, but you can’t talk to her either.” Perplexed, the boss wondered if anyone else was home. The child responded with yet another whispered “Yes.”

When asked who else was there, the child revealed there was a policeman present as well. This unexpected answer left the boss puzzled. Why would a police officer be at the employee’s house? Trying to make sense of the situation, the boss asked if he could speak with the officer. The child whispered back, “No, he’s busy.”

Growing increasingly concerned, the boss inquired about what everyone was doing at the house. The child’s response was a soft giggle as they whispered, “Talking to Daddy, Mommy, and the Fireman.” The boss’s anxiety heightened, especially when he heard a loud noise in the background during the call.

Perplexed, the boss questioned the child about the noise. With a whisper, the child revealed, “It’s a helicopter.” The boss’s worry intensified as he pressed further, asking what was happening at the house. The child, still whispering, responded with a mischievous giggle, “The search team just landed a helicopter.”

Alarmed and frustrated, the boss couldn’t help but demand, “What are they searching for?” With a muffled giggle, the child whispered, “Me.”

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