Kate Beckinsale Mourns the Loss of Her Beloved Cat, Clive

It is with a heavy heart that actress Kate Beckinsale shares the tragic news of her beloved cat, Clive, passing away. The 49-year-old actress, known for her roles on the big screen, took to Instagram to express her devastation over the loss of her Persian pet.

Kate Beckinsale Shares Terrible News With Her Fans

Beckinsale has been active on social media, sharing glimpses of her life, including updates about Clive. However, she revealed that she is not yet ready to look at pictures or make a montage of him as the pain is still too fresh.

In a heartfelt caption accompanying a selfie of herself and Clive wearing a cute pink onesie with a pig design, Beckinsale wrote, “Clive has died… Every single part of my house feels like he should be in it. If anyone is expecting to hear from me, you may not for a bit, and I’m sorry.” She added, “My heart is absolutely and totally broken.”

Immediately, Beckinsale’s celebrity friends and fans flooded the comments section with messages of love, support, and empathy. Celebrities such as Anya Taylor-Joy and Seth Rogen were among those who shared their condolences.

Anya Taylor-Joy wrote, “Kate, sending you love,” while Seth Rogen simply expressed, “I’m so sorry.”

The outpouring of love and sympathy from Beckinsale’s followers included messages such as “Sending love,” “So sorry Kate. Thinking of you,” and “It’s the worst heartbreak. Sending you love.”

At this time, Kate Beckinsale has not disclosed the cause of Clive’s passing. It is unclear whether he had underlying health issues or if he passed away from natural causes or old age. In a previous interview, Beckinsale mentioned that Clive was “quite old,” estimated to be fifteen or sixteen years old.

Clive had battled cancer in the past and emerged as a survivor. It is possible that his cancer returned, resulting in his demise, but no official confirmation has been made by Beckinsale or veterinarians close to the cat’s health.

In the past, Beckinsale has shared charming anecdotes about Clive’s personality and preferences. She revealed that Clive had a fascination with suitcases, boxes, and bags. Whenever a new item was brought into the house, he would immediately make it his cozy spot. Beckinsale even mentioned getting Clive a suitcase bed, which quickly became his favorite place to relax.

When discussing her preferred choice of pets, Beckinsale admitted to favoring cats over dogs, finding them easier to care for. She humorously remarked, “You don’t have to walk around with a bag of poo like you do with a dog, which I hate to walk around with a bag of poo.”

Throughout his life, Clive frequently made appearances in Beckinsale’s social media posts. Adorable pictures showcased his presence and his willingness to join his owner in various costumes. Clive was truly an inseparable companion to Beckinsale.

In this time of profound loss, Kate Beckinsale is grateful for the love and support from friends, fans, and the entire online community.