Video of Joy Behar’s Hilarious Mishap on ‘The View’ Goes Viral!

During a recent episode of ‘The View,’ something hilarious happened to Joy Behar. She had a little mishap when she missed her chair and ended up taking a tumble! While her fans may have been disappointed, those who don’t particularly enjoy her or the show likely found it quite amusing. And guess what? It was all caught on video!

The incident even caught the attention of The American Tribune, who covered it in their article. What’s interesting is that Joy Behar herself joked about it during the show. She didn’t shy away from addressing the fall and humorously recalled the moment by saying, “Remember when I fell on stage here? My tush missed the seat.”

One of her co-hosts, Whoopi Goldberg, also chimed in and shared her perspective on the incident. Goldberg expressed how the fall frightened everyone present on the set. She remarked, “It scared us so badly. You didn’t see what we saw.” Goldberg went on to describe the tense moments of witnessing Behar almost topple onto the floor. She noted, “We saw you trying to figure out how not to fall onto the floor, and that was scary because you don’t know whether to catch you and annoy you ’cause we’re touching you.”

The video of Joy Behar’s fall has gone viral, spreading laughter and amusement across the internet. It just goes to show that even the most unexpected and comical moments can capture the attention of viewers of all ages.