Howie Mandel: Sharing His Struggles with Mental Illness

Howie Mandel, the famous comedian and judge on America’s Got Talent, recently opened up about his ongoing battle with severe depression and mental illness. In a candid interview on “The Kelly Clarkson Show,” Mandel discussed the negative impact that his celebrity status has had on his mental health.

Howie Mandel

While Mandel may seem cheerful on the outside, especially when he is performing, the reality is quite different. Behind closed doors, particularly when he is alone, he faces deep sadness that is not easily overcome. Mandel admits that he heavily relies on medication to cope with his mental health struggles.

Mandel’s journey with mental illness began in his childhood. He suffered from anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) from a young age. As a result of his unique behaviors, he was labeled as “strange” and struggled to make friends. Despite his success as a comedian, Mandel still finds everyday life to be a constant struggle.

Howie Mandel performing

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated Mandel’s worries and anxieties. The fear of death constantly lingered in his mind. He found solace in the fact that his immediate family was safe, but the state of the world only added to his distress.

For many years, Mandel kept his mental illness a secret, fearing that it would hinder his career prospects. He was ashamed and worried that his instability would be discovered, leading to potential unemployment. However, he eventually realized that opening up about his struggles was crucial in combating the stigma surrounding mental health.

Mandel believes that comedy has been his saving grace. Through humor, he is better able to navigate his disability and find moments of ease. He hopes that by sharing his experiences, he can contribute to dismantling the negative stereotypes surrounding mental health.

Despite the hardships he faces, Mandel remains hopeful. He understands the challenges ahead but holds onto the belief that he can make a difference. With each ray of light in his life, he cherishes the moments where darkness does not overshadow him.

Mandel acknowledges that some may find his battles with mental illness amusing, but the reality is far from funny. His goal is to end the stigma associated with mental health issues and create a more understanding and compassionate society. It may not be easy, but Mandel is determined to persevere and protect his own mental well-being while advocating for others.