Michael J. Fox, the beloved actor known for his role in “Back to the Future,” has been bravely fighting Parkinson’s disease for over 30 years. Despite the challenges he faces on a daily basis, Fox remains defiant and continues to be a powerful advocate for Parkinson’s research and understanding.
In a recent interview, Fox opened up about the difficulties he’s experiencing with the disease. He candidly admitted that his health is declining and expressed doubts about seeing his 80th birthday. However, he has always been honest about the toll Parkinson’s has taken on his well-being.
In the interview, Fox discussed the subject of his mortality and shared that living with Parkinson’s is becoming increasingly tough. He recently underwent spinal surgery due to a benign tumor on his spine, which affected his ability to walk and resulted in multiple injuries from falls. Despite all this, Fox remains determined, stating, “You don’t die from Parkinson’s. You die with Parkinson’s. I’ve been thinking about the mortality of it… I’m not gonna be 80.”
Fox’s fight against Parkinson’s is once again in the spotlight with the release of his new documentary, Still, which chronicles his life over the past three decades. The film reveals the intense pain Fox experiences, likening each tremor to a seismic jolt. He explained that the pain doesn’t come from the movement itself, but from the moments of freezing when the lack of movement becomes a burning sensation filled with energy.
Despite the challenges he faces, Fox remains optimistic and resilient. He refuses to let Parkinson’s define him, stating, “I’m not going anywhere.” Even though he officially retired in 2021 due to his declining health, Fox continues to find reasons to celebrate life and chooses to focus on the joy rather than the pain. His bravery and determination serve as an inspiration to us all.
Watch the trailer for Fox’s documentary here and be prepared to be moved by his incredible journey.
What are your thoughts on Michael J. Fox’s bravery and resilience in the face of Parkinson’s? Share your thoughts and well wishes for him in the comments below. Together, let’s show our support for Fox and his continued efforts to raise awareness for Parkinson’s disease. Don’t forget to share this article on social media to help us spread the word and keep people informed and inspired!