Brave Matilda: Overcoming Adversity with a Smile

When Rebecca Callaghan gave birth to her daughter Matilda in 2012, it was clear that something wasn’t right. Matilda had a large blue mark on her face, stretching down one side of her body. Initially, the doctors mistook it for a bruise but soon realized their mistake – it was a birthmark.

Within two weeks, Matilda was diagnosed with Sturge Weber’s syndrome, an incredibly rare neurological skin disease that also causes paralysis, learning difficulties, and seizures. As her condition worsened, Matilda was admitted to Adler Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool, England, leaving her parents in a state of extreme concern. They didn’t know if they would ever see their daughter alive again.

“We couldn’t travel with her as she was so ill. As we stood watching her being taken away, we didn’t know if we were going to see her again. We’d been so excited at our baby’s arrival, now within a matter of hours, we didn’t know whether we would even see her alive again,” Matilda’s father shared with the Daily Mail.

Despite the challenges, Matilda proved to be a fighter. Though there was a high chance she wouldn’t survive, she managed to make it through surgery. Laser treatments were also introduced to remove her unique birthmark, but it could take up to 16 years for it to disappear completely. People often judged Matilda’s parents, assuming they caused her appearance.

“People think we are bad parents – that we have somehow caused Matilda to look like she does,” Matilda’s dad explained.

Matilda’s condition has not only affected her physical appearance, but also her eyesight and ability to walk. However, she hasn’t let these obstacles break her spirit. With the help of a special walking frame, she has even taken a few steps on her own. Matilda’s resilience shines through, as her dad says, “It’s either her way or no way at all!”

Despite the daily struggles, Matilda continues to greet everyone with a smile. Her family, however, has to endure stares, insults, and even mockery from others. But they remain immensely proud of her and treasure each day they have with her.

Now, at 8 years old, Matilda’s family is seeking help to provide her with a new wheelchair. They want to enable her to continue enjoying what she loves most – spending time outside, away from the confines of the house and crowds. Matilda’s story is an inspiration for us all, and by sharing it, we can contribute to making her life more comfortable and enjoyable.

Photo of Matilda in her wheelchair

Let’s come together and support Matilda on her extraordinary journey. Help us raise funds for her new wheelchair and spread awareness about her incredible resilience. Share Matilda’s story and let more people participate in making her life the best it can be!