A Saturday Surprise

Amy, a woman in her early 50s, was excitedly looking forward to a day spent with her husband of six years, Mark. But as he kissed her on the forehead, he delivered unexpected news. Mark had to go to the office because of an overwhelming workload. He even promised to bring home some mouthwatering Indian food if he could work from home. However, little did Amy realize that this was just a clever ruse.

Mark and Amy had known each other for many years before tying the knot. Mark had earned himself a reputation as a Casanova, always dating different girls. But when he finally decided to settle down, he chose Amy. Everything seemed perfect, or so she thought.

Although she longed to spend the day with her husband, Amy decided to take some time for herself and indulge in a good book and a cup of tea. Lost in the pages, she was interrupted by a message. It was from Tom, Mark’s best friend and someone Amy considered family. Curiosity piqued, she decided to listen to the voicemail.

Tom’s voice filled her ears, saying, “Hi, I might be a bit late for our double date at Coachella. I’ll be there around 2 PM, alright?” This left Amy puzzled. She didn’t recall Mark mentioning anything about a double date. Initially, she brushed it off as a confusion on Tom’s part and ignored the message. However, something nagged at her, urging her to dig deeper.

Amy discovered that Coachella was a delightful outdoor restaurant with a festival theme. She chose a secluded table that offered a clear view of the entrance. Anxiously waiting, she hoped that either Mark wouldn’t show up or would arrive alone. Sadly, her heart sank when she witnessed him entering the restaurant accompanied by a stunning woman dressed in designer clothing.

Amy sat there, watching as Mark joined Tom and his wife Sasha at their table. The four of them seemed to be having a grand time, completely ignorant of Amy’s existence. The pain in her heart was unbearable, but instead of succumbing to tears, she resolved to take action.

Summoning the waiter, Amy discreetly requested the best champagne to be delivered to Mark’s table. Sensing the tension in the air, the waiter nodded with a knowing smile. Amy quickly snapped a photo of Mark with the other woman and posted it on Facebook, tagging Mark in the post.

As Mark’s phone buzzed with the notification, his face turned pale. Frantically scanning the room, he couldn’t find his wife anywhere. Amy seized the moment and called the waiter once again, ordering another champagne. This time, she also jotted down a note that read, “To a memorable double date and our divorce, cheers!“. With grace and determination, she left the restaurant and returned home.

A couple of hours later, Mark arrived home only to find his belongings packed. He attempted to explain that his intentions were never to cheat, and that he was simply having fun. However, Amy had heard enough of his lies and excuses. Mark ended up staying at Tom’s place, while Amy knew it was time to take the next steps and file for divorce.

If you found yourself in Amy’s shoes, what would you do?

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