This heart-wrenching story revolves around a couple facing a challenging dilemma: whether or not to take in their recently orphaned niece. The wife, known as the OP (original poster), reached out to Reddit for advice, questioning whether she should feel guilty about the possibility of foster care. Let’s delve into the details and see how this situation unfolded.
The Orphaned Children
The OP shared the tragic news that her husband’s sister passed away from a drug overdose, leaving behind two children: Rose, who is almost 17, and seven-year-old Lilly.
Living on the East Coast while their family resides in California, the couple faces a complicated situation. The OP explained that her mother-in-law, who lives in her boyfriend’s cramped house and has limited resources, is unable to care for both children. Rose plans to stay on her grandmother’s couch until she leaves for college next year, leaving young Lilly in need of a long-term solution.
The Struggle
Unsurprisingly, this situation has caused tension between the couple.
What Did the Internet Say?
Fellow Redditors showed sympathy towards both Lilly and the OP. One person highlighted that the husband was essentially volunteering his wife to be a single mother, which could lead to resentment. They acknowledged the flaws in the foster care system but considered it the best option in this circumstance.
Another commenter pointed out the unfairness of the husband’s willingness to bring Lilly into their home without considering the extra burden it would place on his wife. They recognized the demanding schedules of both partners and highlighted the difficulty the OP would face in raising Lilly while juggling work and studies.
The internet agreed that it was understandable for the OP to be hesitant about becoming a single parent to a child she has never met.
What do you think about this situation? Share your thoughts in the comments!