Meg Ryan, the 61-year-old actress known for her roles in movies like “Sleepless in Seattle,” recently made her first public appearance in half a year. She stepped out to support her friend Michael J. Fox at a screening of his new documentary on Parkinson’s disease. While fans were happy to see Ryan, some were quick to comment on her new look, with many saying she was “unrecognizable.”
Ryan’s smooth complexion has fueled rumors of plastic surgery, despite her previous denials. Some people online shared harsh opinions about her appearance, calling it “hideous” and saying she spent too much money to change her face. Others questioned why she had done this to herself.
In the past, Ryan has made it clear that she doesn’t pay much attention to negative comments about her appearance. In a 2015 interview, she addressed rumors of plastic surgery and spoke about the hatred in the world today, saying, “Imagine being a hater, how stupid.”
At the screening event, held at the Alice Tully Hall in New York, Ryan seemed to be in good spirits as she posed for pictures alongside Billy Murray and Elvis Costello. The event was a big night for Michael J. Fox, who has been battling Parkinson’s disease for three decades. Fox recently revealed that he didn’t think he would live to see 80 years old.
Despite his challenges, Fox has become a leading figure in raising awareness and funding for Parkinson’s research. In a recent interview, he candidly spoke about his ongoing battle with the disease, acknowledging that it was getting tougher every day. He even had spinal surgery after a tumor was found, affecting his ability to walk.
While Meg Ryan’s appearance may have sparked debate, the focus of the event was on Michael J. Fox and his documentary. We should send our love and prayers to him and support his fight to raise awareness. Let us know in the comments what you think about the discussion surrounding Meg Ryan’s appearance.
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