Woman Insists Her Son Leaves His Pregnant Wife at Home for Her Birthday, but He Responds, ‘My Wife Comes First’

In this family quarrel, a man found himself caught between his wife and his mother. Feeling the need to support his wife’s needs, he turned to the internet for advice and validation.

The man took to Reddit to seek assistance regarding his expectant wife and his mother’s birthday. He explained that his mother’s birthday coincided with his wife being seven months pregnant, causing her discomfort and sensitivity.

For his mother’s birthday, the man offered to take her out to dinner. However, his wife’s condition made it challenging for her to travel long distances by car. So, he respectfully declined his mother’s choice of a restaurant that was a forty-minute drive away.

He explained to his mother that his wife couldn’t consume shellfish, which was the main fare at the chosen seafood restaurant. He kindly asked his mother to consider a nearby restaurant instead.

Unfortunately, his mother refused to compromise, insisting that the best seafood restaurants were farther away. The man then suggested alternative cuisines such as Mexican or Hibachi, which he knew his mother enjoyed. But his mother grew angry and suggested leaving the wife behind for the dinner.

This prompted the man to stand his ground and firmly state, “My wife comes first.” He expressed his disappointment in his mother’s selfish and childish behavior. However, she abruptly hung up the phone, leaving him in a predicament.

The man’s family, siding with his mother, criticized him for prioritizing his wife’s needs and accused her of ruining his mother’s birthday. With his wife upset and the entire family furious with her, the man turned to Reddit for advice on whether he was justified.

The responses he received were mixed. Some members validated his stance, applauding him for standing up for his wife. One person even questioned if his mother treated his wife poorly regularly, to which he confirmed.

Another commenter disagreed, claiming it was not solely his wife’s responsibility to accommodate his mother’s plans. They argued that their spouse would never force them to go somewhere they didn’t want to while pregnant.

One opinion suggested expressing regret for missing the event and offering coffee and cake at home instead of going out for dinner. They believed this compromise could have been a solution for both parties.

There were also netizens who were confused by the man’s post, questioning why his wife’s condition affected his mother’s birthday plans. They wondered if his wife had reservations about him going out while she was pregnant.

In this tense family situation, the man sought guidance from the online community, hoping to find clarity and validation for prioritizing his wife’s well-being. The conflicting responses provided him with various perspectives, leaving him to navigate this delicate situation with empathy and understanding.