The Importance of Consent in Parenting

In today’s world, everyone seems to have an opinion. With the rise of the Internet, it has become easier than ever for people to voice their thoughts, no matter how strange or unconventional they may be. And sometimes, these opinions can garner quite a bit of attention.

One such opinion comes from Deanne Carson, a self-proclaimed relationship expert, who recently made waves with her recommendation for parents: asking for permission before changing a diaper. Yes, you read that right – asking a baby’s permission!

Now, we understand that consent is a hot topic these days, and it can be a tricky subject to navigate. But for many parents, the idea of asking a baby for permission before tending to their basic needs is simply out of the question.

Most parents will tell you that changing diapers is not their favorite task in the world. However, it is a necessary part of raising happy and healthy children. The idea of adding an extra layer of having to ask for permission before changing a diaper seems a bit excessive to most.

Carson argues that introducing consent at a young age is crucial for building a culture of consent in the home. While babies may not be able to respond verbally, they can still communicate nonverbally through eye contact and other forms of nonverbal cues.

According to Carson, taking a moment to allow for anticipation and waiting for nonverbal cues can help parents and toddlers communicate on a deeper level. It’s about creating a bond of understanding and respect between parent and child.

When news outlets reported on Carson’s suggestion, the reaction was quite interesting. Reporters not only expressed their thoughts vocally but also wondered what would happen if a baby said no.

While this suggestion may seem unconventional and even impractical to most parents, it does spark an important conversation about consent. As parents, it is our responsibility to teach our children about boundaries and consent as they grow older.

So, whether or not you agree with the idea of asking a baby for permission before changing a diaper, it’s worth considering how we can instill a culture of consent in our homes and raise children who understand the importance of boundaries and respect.