My Husband Cheated On Me, Then His Pregnant Girlfriend Called Me & Said, ‘It Worked’

I never thought I would be in this position. My husband, Joseph, cheated on me and it was devastating. But what hurt even more was when his pregnant girlfriend called me and said, “It worked.” I couldn’t believe it.

Let me introduce myself. I’m Patricia, and I’m 35 years old. Until recently, I thought I had a good marriage with Joseph. We built a beautiful life together. But then I started noticing some changes in his behavior. He became more secretive with his phone and his late nights at the office increased. Deep down, I knew something was wrong.

One day, I decided to confront Joseph. I pretended to be asleep while he snuck into the house after one of his late nights at work. I noticed that his shirt was unbuttoned, and it had a fruity and feminine scent with a stain of red lipstick. My suspicions were getting stronger.

I couldn’t let this go. Cheating was not something I was willing to accept. So, I came up with a plan. I met with Amber, the woman Joseph was seeing, and proposed that she pretend to be pregnant. This was my way of trapping Joseph and getting back at him for his betrayal.

But as our plan progressed, I discovered something even worse. Joseph had forged my signature on financial documents for his own gain. That was the breaking point for me.

With Amber’s help, we set our pregnancy trap in motion. Joseph’s reaction was exactly what I expected – he was terrified. He filed for divorce thinking he could outsmart me, but he underestimated my strength.

I confronted him, giving him two choices: sign the divorce papers and walk away, or prepare for a public expose of his lies and deceit. Seeing the realization of his predicament on his face was the most satisfying moment of my life. He signed those divorce papers.

But it didn’t end there. I pressed charges against him for his illegal activities, and justice was served. Joseph ended up in prison. Through this whole ordeal, I discovered a strength within myself that I never knew existed. I stood up for myself and my future.

Revenge was sweet, but it didn’t bring me lasting happiness. What mattered was that I stood up against betrayal and fought for myself. If you’ve gone through a similar experience, remember that you have the strength to overcome it too.